Capacity Building and Experience Sharing for Gender Base Violence Prevention in Aceh

Banda Aceh, Friday, April 26, 2024. LaKaspia held an important event aimed at enhancing capacity and sharing experiences related to the prevention of gender base violence (GBV) in Aceh. The event took place at the Koalisi NGO-HAM LaKaspia office.

This activity is part of the Spear Project carried out by six civil society organizations in Aceh. The event was conducted  in collaboration with Nonviolent Peaceforce (an internasional organization working in the field of peace and civilian protection without violence) and supported by Kingdom of The Netherlands. The project aims to strengthen and sustain peace in Aceh, provide support for the process of conflict victims, and reduce violence against civilians, especially women and children.

The event temed “Gender Base Violence Around Us” expected to enhence civil society’s understanding of the anatomy and root causes of gender base violence. With better understanding, it is haped that an effective community protection layer will be formed to gradually reduce gender base violence in Aceh.

The participants of this activity consisted of 20 representatives from six NP partner, LaKaspia, Koalisi NGO-HAM Aceh, Flower Aceh, Balai Syura Ureung Inong Aceh, Kontras Aceh and YBHA PM. Farny Niaswanee Kortornilo, an advocate for GBV prevention from Southern Thailand, served as the observer, while Fahmi Rizal acted as the fasilitator.

The event took the from of discussions and experience sharing, with the entire process being documented by a notetaker. The main goal of this activity is to enhence the capacity of civil society organizations in Aceh regarding civilian protection and the prevention of gender base violence, and to break the cycle of violence to strengthen peace in Aceh.

LaKaspia, an acronym for Lembaga Kajian Sosial Politik Aceh, is an non-government organization focused on peacebuilding Studies, social and political research, and capacity building through training and education. It is haped that this event will raise collective awareness within the community about the importance of preventing gender base violence and protecting victims, as will as achieving the goal of making Aceh a peaceful and safe for everyone.*@

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